Film Night
Please see below for our next film night

FRIDAY MAY 5th 2023 at 7 pm
Please join us for the final film of this season on 5th May at 19:00 where we will be showing the film ‘The Hundred-Foot Journey’.
Click here to watch the trailer https://youtu.be/MWo67uhzoQg
Made in 2014, this US comedy-drama is about a battle in a French village between a new Indian restaurant owned by an Indian emigrant family that opens directly across the street from an established Michelin starred French restaurant owned by a French woman.
Produced by Spielberg and Oprah Winfrey it stars a drily funny Helen Mirren (again), Om Puri, Manish Dayal and Charlotte Le Bon and is described as a culinary culture-clash comedy enlivened by fiery performances and the most soothing brand of cinematic comfort food.
Even better - why not book an early supper at the Smiddy Bar first and make a night of it!? They do a nice curry!
We will be taking a break from film nights for the summer and look forward to bringing you more good films in the autumn.
Admission £3 + £2 for refreshments.
If you’d like to be added to the email list for reminders of village hall events like our film night, please email ashkirkvillagehall@gmail.com